Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New location. same girl.

So it's been a few days and there's been much to update you on:
1. I've moved- This is my third day in the new apartment and still trying to get adjusted to days full of organizing; instead of disney trivia.
2. Summer can walk! - next blog will have some exciting pictures to see how her amazing recovery has been going.
3. Unpacking and organizing is more expensive and time consuming than i thought.

Anyways, on to a little anecdote for the day. My mom and I went to Costco yesterday to stock up on some items for the apartment. After we finished shopping, we grabbed a bite to eat at the snack shack there- who can resist a greasy slice of pizza and a churro?!- and I chose a table to sit down at. Little did I know, that this table belonged to a group of elderly women. Yes- belonged to them! This group of about six women gather weekly at these specific Costco eating area benches- including the one I was sitting in- to chat and gossip about the other ladies who decided not to show up that day! They were witty, engaging, and sincerly youthful. As we left, I turned to them and said "You guys can have your table back now! I don't want you all to be talking about me when I leave." We laughed. It was a great lunch, and gave me a good lesson of friendship and happiness.

Also, I'm really excited- I got a new book. It's called The Wednesday Sisters, and from the first two chapters, it seems to be like a fantastic read. I will keep you posted, and pass it along.

Now I will leave you with a lesson and some lyrics that speak all too true these days...

"So here I am in my new apartment
In a big city, they just dropped me off
It's so much colder that I thought it would be
So I tuck myself in and turn my night light on

Wish I'd never grown up"

lesson learned: never be too old to make time for friends.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

come to my window..

If you know me, you know a few things for certain:
 1. I'm a oral hygene freak
 2. The strangest things happen to me.
So it's really no wonder why I ended up breaking into the bathroom the the window in order to brush my teeth.

The door of my bathroom is old. It's old enough for the door knob to get stuck in the jam and provide my with a headache- trying to come up with a plan to get in the bathroom- after all, it had been all day without brushing my teeth. After spending the day jimmy-rigging the door, to try and pry the lock out of the door, my mom suggested I go through the outside-in.
Now if you can't go under it. Can't go over it. We all know what you have to do- go through it! And that's just what I did. Although I'm not scared of ladders, the thought of hoisting myself into a small window that dumps you into the shower with nowhere to land gives you something to think about... I managed to fit in the window just fine. But the door still remained stuck.
It was as though I was on an HGTV show gone wrong. Here I am- never had to do any sort of manual labor- hammering the door jams off to take the door off. After the jams were off and feeling accomplished- the door still remained stuck. So I pried the door open using a screwdriver and hammer eventually, and boy was the gratification of sweat, manual labor, and breaking in worth the breathe of fresh spearmint flavor of Crest toothpaste.

Enjoy the mental image of me doing this, and it'll be all the more entertaining!

Happy Tuesday!
Go Philies!

Lesson learned: always stay small enough to fit through windows.

Monday, October 18, 2010

First and foremost...

Hello friends! Welcome to my blog (:
I hope that this will serve as a communicative tool into my life while I am away conquering the world. I want to be able to share my world, while I am away from yours! Please bear with me, as I get used to the formatting of the site and the regularity of posting. 

Moving on...
I would just like to briefly mention my Friday night, which was spent with amazing people! I can't tell you how loved I have felt over this past year by my work family. They are the most creative, imaginative, and embracing people I have met and I'm so thankful for knowing them. It was an interesting night- not just because the bar had taxidermy animal heads on the wall! Thank you for all who came out and shared on of my last evenings on California soil with me. Here are a few lasting memories:
That's it for now, but expect lots more on the move soon! 
Lesson learned: work friends can be great real friends.