Saturday, July 2, 2011

I must be a really bad farmer.

I feel like the major lesson/theme people were sharing with me this weekend was: You Reap what you Sow.
To put it bluntly, I must be a really bad farmer.
Everyone preaches Karma, Good things happen to good people, You Reap What you Sow, What comes around Goes Around, There's always tomorrow... These mantras, cliches rather, gut me. I'd like to think that I am a relatively good person; someone who does the right thing, lends a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on. They say that I deserve the world, and I'm great, and amazing things to come. Well lately I have been the person who needs the shoulder to cry on more often than not. I choose to change routine. I try to wake up on the right side of the bed (well, the only side that's not up against a wall), and always be as delightful as possible in the presence of others. At the end of the day though, all the trouble of putting up a front catches up with you. At the end of the day, you still feel incomplete. At the end of the day, your best just wasn't good enough.
And that's just got me to think, do we really reap what we so? Or, do only the lucky ones, and the rest of us are left to the proverbial wolves and fend for ourselves. Patience is a virtue that I ask God to possess me with daily. The waiting stage is the worst: just waiting on that moment- the one that makes you believe it was worth the wait. I know that His plan has been a humbling experience, at best. I know His plan is worth it all.
So maybe it's not about what we sow, but what He sows for us to reap. With no questions asked, and wanting nothing in return-- maybe that's why I'm undeserving at the moment. He gives so much for us to gain. Embrace it. Embrace the journey. and plant the seed in others hearts.
This was such an incomplete blog. Just wanted to make a dorky joke about being a bad farmer. Anyway, Happy Fourth of July weekend. Be Safe. Be extraordinary.   

Lesson Learned: You Reap What He Sows.

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